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Please look at my "Tips for Parents" talk:


To be able to write in a clear and neat style is important. People will find it difficult to reach their true potential if they have not gained a good mastery of this skill.

The McLeod Centre for Learning encourages the use of a joined script as it aids the acquisition of reading, plus promotes deeper understanding and recall. However, we do respond to individual needs and, following an initial assessment, will devise an appropriate, individual programme for each pupil.


We use a variety of resources to encourage correct sitting position and pencil grip. We have a large selection of left, and right-handed, fountain pens to enable students to choose a nib that is compatible with their writing style.


Amanda McLeod is the author and Series Consultant of Scholastic's Handwriting series Reception to Year 6. She undertakes handwriting assessments to support students applying for extra time in examinations and writes supporting statements for current students applying for EHCPs. Amanda is the final judge of the SATIPS 11,000-entry yearly handwriting competition and is a committee member of the National Handwriting Association. She is happy to visit Schools (see INSET).

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